Welcome Spacetime Explorers! | |
.:Space-Time:. .:Understanding the Structure:. .:A Matter of Scale:. A Proposition |
In this section, I will begin to present research and theories surrounding fundamental space-time physics. I have intensely studied a variety of areas in quantum physics, general and special relativity, as well as more obscure theoretical physics for over 13 years, and have painstakingly began to decode and describe the revelations and realizations I have had during that research period. Everything you see here is based upon solid research and existing equations. Although I will not go into depth on the mathematical nature of these theories here beyond what is absolutely necessary, an appropriate evaluation of my reference materials will reveal the direct associations necessary if that is your area of interest. Although it may still take me some time to complete this section, when I do so I will have assembled the foundation of an integral theory that interweaves the frontiers of study in the field of Loop Quantum Gravity with principles of String Theory, while providing coherence with the Standard Model and modified Special and General Relativity equations. Thank you for your patience, and feel free to offer support or feedback where you feel it is necessary. I apologize in advance for any "leaping conclusions" you may come across in the following text, as this is a work in progress and not a final abstract or white paper. I will divulge all the necessary steps to each logical proof as time allows.
Physics |
Space-Time, Electromagnetism, Spin & Gravity |
The following is a list of basic premises in a few of the leading physics theories, some of which are almost certainly true based on the experimental and mathematical evidence, while others will simply help us in a conceptual exercise to better understand what is really going on in this universe: 1. Einstein states that Gravity is actually a result of the curvature or warping of the fabric of Spacetime, caused by either relative acceleration [a] or attraction between two centers of mass. [b] 2. String Theory postulates that Gravity is a result of a certain state of spin (spin-2) or vibration (oscillation) by subatomic one-dimensional strings. [c] Supersymmetry adds to this description, stating that Gravity also has a superpartner (spin-3/2). [d] Some suggest that the principle of resonance [p] applies to subatomic fields, including Gravity. [k] 3. Loop Quantum Gravity bridges Quantum Physics and General Relativity by quantizing space-time itself, describing it as a literal fabric with a smallest possible size and shape to the component weave. [e] This smallest possible structural volume of space-time is a Planck scale Tetrahedron, and the smallest possible area is a Planck scale equilateral Triangle. [f] 4. Bekenstein-Hawking state that the entropy of a black hole is proportional to the area of its event horizon [j] and the resulting holographic principle states that three-dimensional (and higher 4D, 5D, 6D etc.) information can be contained in a two-dimensional surface. [g] Lee Smolin describes this by explaining that all the quantum information for an orange can be contained in only 1/4 of the surface area of the peel. [f] 5. Spin Networks describe quantum states of the gravitational field on hypersurfaces, [h] which allow for all the points in a vector perpendicular to a holographic surface to be represented in a single point on that surface, and all other vector angles to have actual information representation through projective geometry (similar to how a photograph "projects" 3D information on a 2D surface). [i] 6. Fractal Universe theories describe the functional form of the universe on microcosmic (small) scales to be identical to macrocosmic (large) scales. [l] Some research on this suggests that similar resonance patterns and resulting effects can be found on all scales of the universe. [m] 7. In the Haramein-Rauscher solution to Einstein's field equations, spin is described as a fundamental property of any curvature or gradient in space-time, and so rotation is naturally entangled with Gravity. [o] 8. The Schwartzchild Proton theory describes each proton (and other subatomic particles) as minature black holes, replacing the "weak force" & "strong force" in physics with gravity acting on a quantum level. [q] 9. Haramein also explores the relationship of the Cosmological Constant to the Schwartzchild Proton, which reveals a network of 10^40 wormholes connected to each proton, forming a distributed mass and energy system across the entire universe. [r]
Section One References |
[a Special Relativity References] [b General Relativity References] [e Loop Quantum Gravity References] [f "Three Roads to Quantum Gravity" by Lee Smolin] [g Holographic Prinicple References] [i Projective Space References] [j Black Hole Thermodynamics References] [k "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene] [m "The Resonance Project" Research Site] [o "What Is The Origin of Spin" by Nassim Haramein] [q The Schwartzchild Proton by Nassim Haramein PDF] [r The Cosmological Constant and the Schwartzchild Proton by Nassim Haramein PDF]
Understanding the Structure of Space-Time |
Except for String Theory, most of the references above have achieved great success by describing space itself has having discrete or "quantum" structure to it. This means that space is not empty, but made of a lattice of energy that literally makes up the "spacetime fabric." If we come to understand this fabric, and the fundamental structure of space (which makes up 99.99999% of the universe), than we have the basic tools to adjust not only dynamics of electromagnetism, but gravity as well. After studying the equations for quantum gravitation by Lee Smolin and team, and considering the work of Buckminster Fuller, it became very clear that the spacetime fabric would contain a regular platonic geometry. Although the postulations for quantum foam and the spin networks illustrated by Smolin are rough and chaotic, it makes far more sense to consider that the natural conservation of energy is at work as much at the smallest scales as it is on the largest. It also became clear that some signatures of the most basic arrangements of the spacetime fabric would be found through all cultures, in all forms of plant and animal life, and be revealed in the heart of world religions. I postulated and tested these basic assumptions as a teenager, and have found confirmations continuously since that time. Assurance as to the fundamental geometry only grew stronger as I discovered Nassim Haramein's work, which mapped the three-dimensional stacking process of the structure in equilibrium out to a 64 tetrahedral matrix. For the purposes of my study, I found it more interesting to look at the basic permutations of geometry. My own study, and that of Buckminster Fuller was most informing in this process, and I found that each simple geometric permutation describes one of the fundamental forces perfectly... First, let's look at the fundamental structure of the fabric of space-time. If we consider the most basic possible information structures at the Planck scale, a Planck length line is the most fundamental representation of distance (1D), and a triangle made from three of these lines would form the most fundamental structure of area (2D). Moving up to the next most fundamental dimensional structure, we obtain a Planck scale tetrahedron (3D). From here, we obtain a component that can form a lattice structure that has both planar surfaces and extruded depth, both of which are measured in both space and time. Each unit of Planck space is also a unit of time, since the distance itself cannot exist in measurement without some measure of time. In this way, we could say that the dimension of time (4D) is embedded, entangled, or folded into each of these three spacial dimensions. It is also important to look at our most fundamental building block, the triangle, more closely. Through the laws of thermodynamics, we know that energy and matter is always trying to reach the most balanced state. Heat will continue to flow into cool space until the temperature is equalized. Spheres thrown into a box will continue to compact with each other until they reach the maximum state of spacial density, which at the same time is the lowest state of potential energy (or mobility). When discussing a lattice of energy, each node (or intersection point) will try to reach the position in which it has the most equal balance with all surrounding points. This is simply another way of describing why the equilateral triangle, and its 3D projection, the tetrahedron, is the most fundamental and equalized structural form for space-time. If energy, and thus the fabric of spacetime, is always trying to maintain an equilibrium state, then any condition outside of that state of equilibrium will produce force (an influence that may cause a body to accelerate, or produce Gravity). From here, we may begin to review each of the permutations of this fundamental lattice that would produce different levels of force, and thus produce Gravity. "Any polygon with more than three sides is unstable. Only the triangle is inherently stable. Any polyhedron bounded by polygonal faces with more than three sides is unstable. Only polyhedra bounded by triangular faces are inherently stable." -Buckminster Fuller In any equilateral triangular lattice surface, if you remove one of the triangles, the entire surface will bend in order to keep the equilibrium intact. It is this principle that holds the secret to Buckminster Fuller's work, and allows the curvature of structures to be modulated by adjusting the distance between the areas where this triangle has been removed. In these places, the Hexagonal "plate" has now "warped" into a Pentagonal plate, and this change in geometry in a single position allows curvature for the entire surface. At maximum Pentagonal curvature, these Pentagonal plates are directly adjacent to each other, which will tighten into an Icosahedron. Because of this simple modulation to the equilateral surface, curvature has been established, and a basic "unit of Gravity" in the structure of space-time has been identified. With enough energy, after the Pentagonal curvature reaches its maximum state (Icosahedral arc), the structure of spacetime can be forced to curve even further, and another triangle in the equilibrium "pressed" off of the surface lattice. This will tighten the four remaining triangles of the surface into a pyramid shape. This state of compression and change in the lattice has a rippling effect, as each of the vector planes curve to adjust to the insertion of a "square" unit. This effect is intimately involved with the series of energetic alterations that produce physical matter from energy within the fabric of space-time, but we will not go into depth here on that process. However, we must recognize that at this level of curvature there is no longer a gradual spherical curve on spacetime, just an abrupt compression point of energy. This may be the key to the vector equilibrium form, and may form the entry point into a black hole or singularity. "There are only three possible cases of fundamental omnisymmetrical, omnitriangulated, least-effort structural systems in nature: the tetrahedron with three triangles at each vertex, the octahedron with four triangles at each vertex, and the icosahedron with five triangles at each vertex. If there are six equilateral triangles around a vertex we cannot define a three-dimensional structural system, only a 'plane.'" - Buckminster Fuller Any time a triangle is "removed" from one plane of equilibrium, or from a curvature, it cannot simply be "added" to another Hexagonal lattice. If you attempt to insert an additional equilateral triangle into a Hexagon, you will find that there is no amount of angular adjustment you can make to allow it to fit. Therefore one of two things must happen: (1) The equilateral triangles in the set "warp" and become acute triangles in order to accomodate the new trianglular energy field, which would take a vast amount of energy since these structures want to remain in equilibrium and this would change the balance of the entire fabric. (2) The equilateral triangle connects to one of the triangles in the set, and the new triangle now "rotates" into a position connecting with one of the other vector equilibrium planes. The initial act of this rotation into position would cause the torsion forces in the fabric of space-time described by Nassim Haramein and others. Being that the latter option would require far less energy, it is certainly the more likely scenario, and generates other notable effects. First of all, the rotation of a new triangle, or more specifically a single "point" of force (since it is actually only one node or intersection on the structure that needs to be removed) from one surface into any other plane of the Hexagonal vector equilibrium would produce a chain reaction, in which that Hexagonal plane would then transfer one of its own "points" to the next adjacent plane, and so on. This would look like a ripple effect, in which a point of energy in the fabric of space-time would go spinning through the lattice until it found a stable position to rest, or "nest." Energy transference in this form is limited to the speed at which each Planck unit of distance in the structure can exchange with the next, which would be the fundamental measure of the speed of energy exchange through the fabric of space-time. This speed of course, is the "speed of light," which in turn provides the fundamental unit of "time" to the vector equilibrium of space, as it provides the relative measure of separation between any point in the lattice with any other point. Now if we consider each one of the individual points in this lattice, we see that while in a vector equilibrium state, there are 18 radials extending to other points in the matrix along spacial dimensions. The points are intersections of energy, bridging dimensions. Each point in the lattice may fluxuate as energy passes through it, as vibration travels through these dimensional radials. The state of a point or intersection at any given moment is determined by the combination of vibrations moving through it. Each structural intersection is not only a position, but also resonates at a specific frequency. In this way, even the planck scale structure of space-time is not a static and rigid system, but is flexible and acts in accordance with the properties of waveforms and fluid dynamics. Energy will always attempt to reach an equilibrium state, so the dynamics at this scale are in a constant flux, working to return balance to the fundamental fabric. Each change that precipitates this "returning" ripples through the fabric, and can be seen from microcosmic to macrocosmic scales. |
A Matter of Scale |
***illustrations coming soon*** (donate to illuminate) |
Even as young children, we are astounded by the apparent similarities between different scale layers of the Universe. We use many metaphors to describe Macrocosmic and Microcosmic operations through relating them to events happening in the biology of our own bodies (what I like to call Biocosmic scale), and on the level of our individual and interpersonal activities (what I like to call Metacosmic scale). It is true that the model of electrons "orbiting" around the nucleus of an atom is outdated, and this would suggest that descriptions relating this model to moons orbiting around a planet is also obsolete. However, although the physical nature of electrons is not accurately represented in simple point-orbital form anymore, the nature of the electron "waveform distribution" is still very similar to the distribution of light and gravity that a series of moons modulates around the surface of a planet. Even if you throw out the point or particle model entirely, there is still fantastic similarity between the multidimensional waveforms and "shell layers" exhibited by the influence of moons upon a planetary body and electrons with a nuclear body in an atom. This is only one scale correlation, yet there are many others, and they show coherent alignment through each layer of scale. For example, let us move up two steps of scale from Planetary Systems (planets and moons), to Solar Systems and then to a Galactic System. Similarly, move up two steps of scale from Atomic Systems (atomic nuclei with electron fields), to Molecular Systems and then to the next scale layer of natural energy organization, we discover DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) as a coherent System at this level. Interestingly, many Galaxies develop into Spiral form after aging and colliding with others for a few billion years. The spiral form of Galaxies almost always contains a distribution of mass in the form of the Phi Spiral, a form of the Golden Mean Ratio. Similarly, the distribution of molecules in DNA uses this same Ratio. DNA in the cell appears as a double-stranded helix referred to as B-DNA, with the width of the double-helix being at the Phi proportion to the length of one full turn of the helix (34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide). In addition, this form of DNA has two grooves in its spirals, with a ratio of phi in the proportion of the major groove to the minor groove, or roughly 21 angstroms to 13 angstroms. Also, a cross section of DNA reveals a decagon (10 sided regular polygon). The decagon is formed from two pentagons, which are made entirely from a series of Phi ratios. Each layer of scale shows these beautiful similarities, and yet these coherent phenomena are not recognized by current scientific inquiry. "Nice coincidences" seems to be the tag-line of the common perception, with no comprehensive investigation. Studying this fractal similarity is at the heart of my work, as I propose that these scale level synchronizations hold the key to a Unified Physics, fantastic new technologies, and even spiritual reconciliation with the Scientific Method. The Microcosmic, Biocosmic, Metacosmic, and Macrocosmic similarities are explored in depth within the Numerology and the Ray of Creation section of this site, specifically in the sections for 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 18, and 21. Here I will dive deeper than my current Microcosmic descriptions, leaping down into the subatomic scale layers and using the same models to decode the structural format of space-time itself. Following the fundamental principles we explored in the Understanding the Structure of Space-Time section above, let us assume that perhaps the first layers of scale are "embedded" dimensionally, and so are represented as combinations of energy forming the fundamental units of the Space-Time fabric itself. The first four layers (or scale properties) are: Unit of Position: A single Planck scale point or intersection in the space-time fabric, which is simply a relative position to other possible relative positions. Unit of Dimension: A single Planck scale distance between two points or intersections in the space-time fabric, which may also contain frequency as a measure of the energy exchange between the two points or intersections. Unit of Space-Time: A single Planck scale area between three points or intersections in the fabric of space-time, and the most simple and neutral dimensional structure when the points form an equilateral triangle. A unit of Space-Time may contain multiple frequencies as a measure of the energy exchange between the three points, as well as form modulations based on energy exchanges and relative positioning with adjacent units of Space-Time. Unit of Information: A single Planck scale volume between four points or intersections in the fabric of space-time, and the most basic component of a vector equilibrium when the points form a regular tetrahedron. This is also the smallest possible structure that can contain holographic information, and is the basic reference unit required to describe any larger quantum information structures. At this point, a new level of operations become active, in which key properties are illustrated through permutations on any vector plane within the dimensional matrix. These permutations are the series I described in the section above, and are fundamental to the next level scale operations. Unit of Gravity or Curvature: Occurs when five (5) points of energy are "pulled," "condensed," or "compressed" around a center point due to the repositioning of a point that established an equilibrium state. Unit of Potential Energy: Exists when six (6) points of energy are in equilibrium around a center point, and a neutral state is achieved. Unit of Kinetic Energy: Occurs when a seventh (7) point of energy is added to six points in equilibrium around a center point, and spin is produced. To be continued regarding Unit Coupling, the development of Manifold Membranes, and Scalar Entanglement...
A Grand Proposal |
Through this research, experimentation, and theoretical exploration I propose the following: That a direct conversion principle between Electromagnetism and Gravity exists within certain geometric forms, states of spin, and properties of resonance. Standing-waveforms of frequency can adjust the subatomic structure of the fabric of space-time, and this adjustment can occur between "octaves" of scale (macro states can affect micro states through resonance). A two-dimensional "ring" of frequency positions can establish a three-dimensional spherical field, and change the properties of that field through adjusting its state of resonance. Certain geometries and frequency sets are capable of adjusting certain specific aspects or properties of a quantum field embedded within the fabric of space-time, while others are capable of adjusting different aspects or properties. The position of a relative observer is established by reference points within a designated "surface area" surrounding that observer, which acts as a holographic hypersurface, describing all space-time information related to that observer's position. Changing the quantum state of the gravitational field (and thus the fabric of space-time) in a spherical surface surrounding an observer will change the reference information structure "describing" that observer's location, which will in actuality change the location or position of that observer within the fabric of space-time without acceleration or relative motion through intermediary positions. Conclusion: Electromagnetic fields in certain states of resonance can create Gravity / Antigravity envelopes, and Teleport an object to any other location in space-time once a neutral (zero-point) Gravitational Envelope surrounds that object.