Parenting Tools for |
Tuesday ::: 6-9pm |
$66 Online Preregistration |
The prophesied arrival of the Indigo/Crystal generation is a call to action for spiritual parenting that supports the future leaders of the New Earth Paradigm. The Indigo/Crystal Children are born spiritually awakened - fully equipped with extensive past-life training, mulitdimensional talents, and innate psychic abilities. They are Masters housed in accutely sensitive human bodies that require parenting of the highest integrity, creativity and empathy. Parenting the Indigo/Crystal child will both astound and confound you. We are here to celebrate the miracle of this next-level generation of lightworkers with teachings that will support the whole family. In this workshop we will cover: Presented by Adam Apollo ::: Location ::: 9535 N 63rd St
::: Adam Apollo Bio ::: Trained in multiple martial arts and a Tantra practitioner for over 11 years, Adam is also a nationally certified and licensed massage and bodywork therapist (LMBT). Awakening to an Akashic Library of Sacred Geometry, Magic, Metaphysics, Energetics, and Holistic System Dynamics at the age of 15, he's taken on many apprentices and taught numerous workshops across the entire spectrum of Metaphysical and Occult Arts since then. Initiated in Indigenous Ceremonies with elders from Cherokee, Lakota, Mauri, Navajo, and Hawaiian Traditions, Adam has smoked the White Buffalo Peace Pipe passed down through Crazy Horse from the White Buffalo Calf Star-Woman. He helped to organize two Prayer Runs for World Peace, and held circle in World Peace Prayer Day ceremonies in Alaska and the Black Hills. Adam has experienced direct physical contact with an extraterrestrial Galactic Council Ambassador, has participated in many Galactic Council sessions, and has been initiated by 6 different Star-Nations through Ayahuasca Ceremony. He has nearly complete memory of seven previous lifetimes, and most of the primary memory fragments of many others. Professionally, Adam Apollo is the Executive Director of Access Granted, a multimedia educational resource company, and provides advanced technology consultations, web design and development, as well as branding and media services. His resume and references can be explored through LinkedIn: Company Website: Personal Research Website: Professional Portfolio: