Introduction |
Workshops: Sacred Geometry & the Chakras Training Intensives: Jedi Training Intensive Schedule: |
I currently lead workshops and training intensives around the world. Common places to find my 2-3 hour workshops are at major festivals, including Burning Man, Earthdance, Dreamtime, Boom Festival, Sunrise Celebration, and many others. My training intensives can take place in any location, and I am often available to visit local areas globally, simply through arrangement of preregistrations to cover travel expenses. As you will find below, my teachings span a diverse range of materials, and I have included a few rough audio files for your exploration and review. Online workshops through video are on the way! The following information covers only a few selected areas of my recent teaching focus. Click here to view my Upcoming Workshop and Training Intensive schedule. |
Sacred Geometry and the Chakras |
Special Offering (coming soon):
Advanced Workshop Where do magical symbols come from? What do the lotus petals of the chakras represent? What does geometry have to do with consciousness? Why do we have chakras, and how can I work with them? How do I practically apply this metaphysical knowledge in my life? In this exploratory journey through the Ray of Creation, numerology, and the holographic nature of the Human Energy Field, keys to these and many other common questions will be revealed and discussed in depth. Discover how geometry builds the universe, and provides the framework for all of our experiences by creating containers for energy to flow in certain patterns. Learn more about crystals, dimensions, high-magic, telepathy, geomancy, astral travel, energy healing, and more. Reference Materials for this Workshop are located in: |
The Unified Harmonic Matrix |
Advanced Workshop In this follow-up to the Sacred Geometry & the Chakras course, we go deeper into the holographic nature of the universe through physical representations in the Microcosm, Biocosm, Metacosm, and Macrocosm. We will explore the way that every layer of existence is highly connected and tuned to every other layer, and follows the same patterns and principles regardless of the scale. This workshop provides extremely useful keys for magical and healing applications, and essential knowledge for any seeker of universal wisdom. The symbiotic holographic structures shared here cannot be found in any other teaching or book currently available. Reference Materials for this Workshop are located in: |
I-Ching: Decoding the DNA of Experience |
Advanced Workshop Learn to read the I-Ching through coins, without a book. Discover the elemental flow of experiences, and the cycles of Yin and Yang as they dance through life. Is it coincidence that the I-Ching contains 64 Hexagrams, each describing a specific flow of experience, and our DNA contains 64 codons? Wouldn't it be nice if you could quickly scan the energy of experiences in any period of time with a few coins? Interpret the potential of the future, understand the details of the past, explore your present changes and choices, and learn to do so in any location with nothing but three coins. Sacred Geometry & the Chakras workshop recommended as a prerequisite for comprehensive study. Reference Materials for this Workshop are located in: |
Introduction to the Galactic Council |
Exploratory Workshop Come with an open mind, and discover deeper threads in the human story. Understand the complexities of Galactic politics, planetary evolution, and the fantastic potential we have in approaching our Galactic Solstice, December 21, 2012. Current scientific evidence and probability theories suggest we may have hundreds of other intelligent species in our Galaxy alone. If our Government knows of any, why would they hide this information? Why are experiences of extraterrestrials so diverse, from amazing light-body activations to horrifying abductions? What's really going on up there, and why haven't they landed on the White House lawn? Listen to a first-hand account of traveling through an Astral Stargate, meeting Ambassadors from a massive council of different species, and the in-depth Galactic training process that followed. Stretch your mind with new technologies, Galactic protocol, species under "probation," and explore the many lessons and light-body upgrades available to any active Planetary Ambassador. Reference Materials for this Workshop are located in: |
Jedi Training INtensive |
"The Guardian's Spirit is that sword which pierces the veil, filling the cosmos. It refers to the vitality of actions, and the quality of inactions. The Guardian's Spirit is not really a possession at all, but rather the force of the vital energy in which the totality of the Self mobilizes and takes its repose." -Light of the Kensai* ::: Guardians of Destiny ::: The Guardian Training Intensive (Level I) provides an integrative series of exercises and hands-on practices for Self-Discovery and empowerment. This is an opportunity to explore the fundamentals and dynamics of the Human Energy Field and its relationship to consciousness, the physical body and other bodies, as well as receive training in a diverse selection of practical applications. The first phase of the Intensive explores Energy. Enhance your sensitivity to Energy in its many forms, and bring conceptual Energetics into your physical experience. Develop a deeper familiarity with each of the layers of the Energy Body, and learn techniques for moving Energy in very specific and precise ways. Work with others to link, braid, and co-create tangible fields and circles. The Art of the Jedi is knowing the Force in all its Forms. The second phase of the Intensive awakens the Body. Discover methods for building up charge in the Body, raising the Kundalini and applying it for magical, martial, or sensual purposes. Move energy through each part of your Body, and focus it to heal, clear, or release Force. Become proficient in holding states of Yang or Yin, balancing the Body, and allowing real Power to emerge in your movements through proper grounding and relaxation. The Body of the Jedi is true Temple. The third phase of the Intensive expands Consciousness. Step outside the physical, and recognize the way that Consciousness acts and interacts in other Dimensions. Identify and focus your Consciousness on the Etheric and Astral Planes, and explore techniques for enhancing your awareness, enabling higher-sensory perception, and remote viewing. Develop the fundamental skills for lucid dreaming, teleportation, and accessing causal realms. The Consciousness of the Jedi contains all Locks, and holds all Keys. ::: "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire." -Obi-Wan Discover D'Jedi: The "Djedi" were the "stable ones"--wisdom keepers of one mind and one spirit who, as initiates of the Osirian mysteries, comprised the living, terrestrial body of the archetypal, celestial Osiris. Contemporary Djedi are self-selecting regenerators of cosmos. They are those who, regardless of race or creed, are awakening to mission in service to the planet and the epochal imperatives of stability, continuity and regeneration. http://alignment2012.com/djed.html
Originally the Djed represented Netjer: Ptah who was called "Noble Djed", but later on it came to represent Netjer: Asir. Djed pillars were painted along the bottom of the coffin to symbolize "becoming Ausar" in the after life and associating the deceased with the royal house of Khem/Kemet. Netjer: Asir was known as the "Djedi" (see the resemblance to Jedi?). The Djedi were called "the stable ones" who were entered into the Order of Asir (see Moira Timms Djed History). As she says they are the "wisdom keepers" being the physical representation of Asir on Ta/Earth. The Djedi come forth during the changing of the cycles (sun cycle, moon cycle...) in means to stabilize a chaotic planet & set everything to order before the coming or with the coming of the "New Age". As the celestial Asir resurrects so must the physical Djedi (Asir-ites) come forth... http://kemeticelementz.virtualave.net/djed.html We, too, have equal opportunity to make it or break it. The discoveries emerging from Egypt, describe the existence of a world wide pyramid temple system in prehistory, mounted like antennae on the key energy meridians, which were employed by ancient priest- scientists as a musical system to stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet... cataclysmic geology at it's finest. From the mother tongue word JEDAIAH, meaning "the way of the Word" or "the power of the Word", the ancient JEDAI (is this where Lucas got his inspiration for the Jedi knights?) priests used the language of Light to tune the planet like a giant harmonic bell. http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/text/00newz23x.htm "There is a tale of the Djedi from Egyptian mythology at around the time of the Pyramid Age. The Djedi was a wise magician who was believed to possess all of the secrets of Thoth, the god of wisdom, as well as hold the numerical mysteries that were hidden within the chambers of Thoth's temple. There is a very well known story about the Djedi being called on by King Khufu/Cheops, who wanted to obtain all the secrets of Thoth's chamber so he could incorporate the mysteries into his own tomb within the pyramids he was erecting." http://touregypt.net/featurestories/magic.htm *Light of the Kensai quote is a paraphrased section inspired by the words of G. Bluestone
Galactic Ambassador Initiation |
::: Starseed Crystallization Series::: The Galactic Ambassador Initiation will explore the nature of our place as a species within the Universe, as well as the many possibilities, potentials, and purposes behind existing information about Extraterrestrial contact, interplanetary politics, and Galactic relationships. In the first phase, we will take a historical journey through key Astronomical and Astrological information contained within many cultures. Look at evidence of Extraterrestrial contact throughout human history and into the present, and review the insights and perspectives surrounding these events. Develop a carefully constructed logical framework to more clearly identify and interpret accurate information, while clearing away information originating from sources with questionable motives or contradictory transmissions. Learn to ask the right questions, and review alternate historical perspectives that emerge with the addition of missing or previously concealed information. For phase two, exploration will delve into the nature of the Self, and the experiences and intuitive connections that have emerged for individuals within the group. Hear stories of direct contact, memory retrieval, and gain new planetary perspective. To complete this evening session, take a field trip to a local observatory and be inspired by beautiful visions of Galaxies, Stars, and Planets within our own Solar System. In phase three, we will focus on developing and refining a more complete understanding of a series of different Species within the Galaxy, and looking at the most dramatic changes that may come in the next few years. Develop a grounded perpective on massive Earth changes, and the variety of ways in which those changes may manifest, including revolutionary new technologies on the way. Prepare a Vision plan for your own Path, and bring forward the gifts within you that will maintain their value and purpose throughout planetary transformation on any scale.