Sacred Knowledge Database by Adam Apollo
LIVE Blog by Adam Apollo
Projects and Physics Sacred Knowledge Gifts and Services Galactic Network Organizational Development
& Management


Resume & Experience

Board Member
Biovision 2020

Executive Director, Creative Coodinator
Access Granted, Inc

Chief of Business Development
2020 Strategies, LLC

Chief Creative Officer
Holistic Structures Corporation

Project Advisor
2020 Fund | Campaign 2020

Business Development Consultant
Creative Designer & Web Developer
JBA Network

Project Coordinator, Assistant Programmer
Access Developer

Sales Manager
Bridgestone/Firestone North America

Floor Manager
Technical Specialist
Tribes Club

Production Coordinator
Technical Specialist
Portal Step Productions

Access GrantedConsistently building alliances, expanding and empowering networks, researching and developing new physics and technology, as well as teaching workshops, speaking at events, healing and creating, Adam Apollo is a multidimensional Earth Guardian dedicated to achieving planetary sustainability. He has over 10 years of high-level design experience, both for print media and the web, and has also served as a top Sales Manager of three Bridgestone/Firestone stores for almost four years before his own business development achieved liftoff.

Adam is founder and Executive Director of Access Granted, a multimedia educational resource development company. Access Granted is designed to provide advanced technology, ecology, and body-mind education in urban locations around the world through publicly available integrated centers and high-tech facilities. It is also the central hub of a massive network of "Agents" dedicated to Planetary Transformation and Healing, many of which have developed their own organizations and companies to be of greatest service to the changes currently happening on the Earth.

Consciously Organized Resonant EssenceBefore creating Access Granted, at the beginning of the new millennium, Adam co-founded and developed the C.O.R.E. (Consciously Organized Resonant Essence) community resource center in Western North Carolina. Later, he also co-created the Tribes Club, a venue for large-scale events ranging from educational seminars to late-night dance parties. At these locations, he helped to raise thousands of dollars for local non-profits. Often, a benefit party would be thrown without the organization's knowledge, and the money raised simply presented as a gift. Also, many local-community education programs were established at these locations, including dance classes, technology seminars, Mayan time-science workshops, music production courses, creative art classes, and much more. Many of these successes helped to further develop and refine the Access Granted business plan and portfolio.
Tribes Club: Music and Culture
In 2004, he was invited to be the youth representative at an Elder's Council, where he joined sweat-lodges, kept a sacred fire, held ceremony, and engaged traditions of over 60 Elders from all over the world. With the Daykeeper of the Maya, the Chief of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Sioux (19th Generation Keeper of the White Buffalo Peace Pipe), Hopi Elders, Wasak, Cherokee, Navajo, the Leader of the Hawaiian Sovereign Movement (descendent of King Kamehameha), and many others, he did Earth Healing, Blessings, Clearings, and solidified alliances for the road ahead.
Prayer Run for World Peace
After this, Chief Arvol Looking Horse's (White Buffalo Peace Pipe Keeper) daughter invited Adam to help her create the "Prayer Run for World Peace," creating teams of youth runners from the four corners of North America: Canada, the West Coast, Mexico and the Southwest, and the East Coast. Graci Horne and Adam ran with the Eastern group from New Hampshire to the Black Hills of South Dakota, converging with the other three runner groups for the 10th Annual World Peace Prayer Day Ceremony (which finally returned to this continent after being held in Iraq, Costa Rica, South Africa, and other international locations for the past 7 years). They completed the run again last year from Vancouver, BC to Anchorage, Alaska, gathering for the first World Peace Prayer Day ceremony to be held in the “crown” of the West Coast on the Summer Solstice.

Traveling frequently, he has established a substantial international network, maintained through online communications and teleconferencing, and laid the framework for multimedia educational resource centers to be developed in urban locations internationally.

As a researcher and inventor, Adam is the visionary behind a new network interface, originally designed by him to model advanced structural models of energy in theoretical physics that would apply to both principles of Loop Quantum Gravity and Superstring Theory. This CORE Network interface can form an innovative front-end to revolutionary new “Web 3.0” technologies, including OpenID (XDI) and advanced ratings systems. For this development, he has assembled a team of top programming experts and advisors. These strategic partners include the developers of IBM’s web-based product launch systems, Gap’s online infrastructure, and systems for Citibank, America’s Bank, OnForce, SonicNet, and more. He is currently doing fundraising for development of this open-source system.Campaign 2020

In addition to theoretial physics, Adam has also engaged in amateur genetics and epigenetics research over the past ten years. His study of information systems is highly relevant to an understanding of genes, the fundamental encoding of DNA and the chemical switches that allow those codes to affect the development of species. As a Board Member of BioVision 2020 Adam offers insight into the potential density of information that can be contained in genetic and epigenetic systems, and the potential issues that may arise from genetic manipulation with our current lack of a complete systems understanding.

During 2007, Adam primarily focused on helping to forge Campaign 2020, a visionary platform created to help bring together the constituencies and capacities necessary to achieve a sustainable planet by the year 2020. Initially, he completed work on a contractual basis as an advisor and technology consultant for the 2020 Fund, a 501c3 housed under the King Baudouin Foundation US. For the first half of 2007, he served as Chief of Business Development for 2020 Strategies, one of the central partners helping to steward the launch of the Campaign, building strategic partnerships and bringing Campaign 2020 to major event platforms including SoL's Business Forum on Innovation in Sustainability and the International Symposium on Digital Earth.

Moving forward, Adam is currently working to build new partnerships with Access Granted to launch containerized Eco-Research and Action Support facilities in key locations globally. He is also coordinating with the work of Ecocities International, Seven Stars Holdings, and Omagine to build Knowledge Centers at the heart of Ecocities around the world.

Adam Apollo is also a music producer, DJ, VJ, graphic designer, computer technician, swordsman, martial artist, and professional massage therapist. He enjoys reading, chess, movies, studying ancient cultures, envisioning the future, and weaving Magic in service of the Source.


Board Member
BioVision 2020


(Non-Profit; 11-50 employees; Public Safety industry)

April 2007 — Present

Previously held an Advisory Board position, but was recently promoted to a full Board Member of this organization. BioVision 2020 works to educate the public and provide research on Genetically Modified Organisms and hormonal manipulation (rBGH) and the potential health hazards associated with this type of food modification. My primary responsibilities include:

-Strategy & Critical Path Development
-Media & Communications Production & Consultation
-Alliance & Partnership Development
-Genetics & Information Systems Research

Christine Phillips - Director (773) 793-9143


Executive Director, Creative Coodinator
Access Granted, Inc


(Privately Held; 1-10 employees; AG; Information Technology and Services industry)

March 2003 — Present

Owner, Executive Director, Creative Coordinator

-Created multi-tiered scalable Infrastructure implementation system that allows local, bioregional, and global connectivity to be achieved through individual tools, community resources, and coordination centers.

-Developed massive International Network of Agents. Researched many cities across North America for facility installation. Built network of skilled administrators and potential employees.

-Developed fully functional 60 page business plan complete with graphical introduction, informational tour, budget for startup, first year, and monthly development, income projections, profit/loss graphs, component services, equipment specifications, educational administration and implementation, corporate expansion, and symbiotic relationships.

-Designed and implemented online website with integrated animations, marketplace, Agent Network, and 3D animations of a potential building design for the Access Granted facilities.



Chief of Business Development
2020 Strategies, LLC


(Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Think Tanks industry)

January 2007 — July 2007 (7 months)

Web Technology Development & Deployment
International Marketing Systems & Design
Central Organizational Management
Strategic Partnership Development

Deborah Stern - CEO, Managing Director (917) 796-9428
Denise Gentry - Chief Organizing Officer - (707) 291-5049


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Chief Creative Officer
Holistic Structures Corporation


(Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Building Materials industry)

January 2007 — December 2007 (1 year)

Development of Graphics, Web Design, Charts, and other creative materials for the organization, as well as creative consultation and leadership in implementation of certain facets of the business.

John Del Favero - CEO (650) 400-6298
John Orava - Chairman (828) 423-4825


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Project Advisor
2020 Fund | Campaign 2020


(Non-Profit; 1-10 employees; Philanthropy industry)

August 2006 — August 2007 (1 year 1 month)

Advisor for development of new 2020 Fund initiatives including Campaign 2020™.

Deborah Stern - Managing Director (917) 796-9428


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Business Development Consultant
Creative Designer & Web Developer
JBA Network


(Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Information Technology and Services industry)

June 2005 — August 2007 (2 years 3 months)

At JBA Network, we leveraged a large international network (80K+ people) created through to create a Musician, Venue & Fan based social network (Jukebox Alive). Integrated in this work was the creation of MyNewsletter Builder for scalable newsletter creation and distribution, AudioCal for embedding Audio and Video into calendars and email newsletters, eNewsstand Online for further newsletter distribution, and BuzzSEO to get it all moving up the Search Engine charts.

My specific work was to formally consult with the Director regarding each step forward in the business, offering advice and research into existing social networks, web technologies, and successful web marketing. I also did freelance design and development work for clients coming to the JBA Network for personal web services. During the last part of my work there, I brought several investment opportunities to the company to aid in expansion.

Lonnie LePorre - Owner, Director (828) 713-4466


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Project Coordinator, Assistant Programmer
Access Developer


(Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Computer Software industry)

September 2004 — May 2005 (9 months)

Project Coordinator, Assistant Programmer
-Developed organizational system for business administration.
-Presented and implemented high-end ESL databases in 4 North Carolina Counties.
-Designed and implemented a project presentation booth at the South Carolina Association of Teachers and Administrators TESOL conference.
-Coordinated networking information for over 100 Federal Programs Directors, ESL Coordinators, and Superintendents in North and South Carolina Counties.

Joseph Long- Owner, President (828) 631-2662


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Sales Manager
Bridgestone/Firestone North America


(Public Company; 10,001 or more employees; Public Relations and Communications industry)

July 2001 — September 2004 (3 years 3 months)

Sales Manager, Advertising Specialist
-Trained employees and worked management in three stores.
-Organized and developed graphic tools for grassroots sales events.
-Promotional sales leader in the Nashville District, top rated district in the nation.

Charles Harbison- District Manager (828) 252-1871
Kevin Haynes- Store Manager (828) 252-1871
David Humphress- Store Manager (828) 687-4045


Floor Manager
Technical Specialist
Tribes Club


(Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Entertainment industry)

March 2003 — April 2004 (1 year 2 months)

Floor Manager, Advertising/Promotions, Technical Specialist
-Organized and managed general production, promotional activities, and security.
-Administered network of broadband Internet accessible computers for membership use.
-Sound system and visualization system installation, maintenance, and repair.
-Flyer design, interior club design, and graphic animation during club events.

Noah Chartier- Owner (828) 777-2086
Chris Orellana- Management & Security (828) 337-5972


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Production Coordinator
Technical Specialist
Portal Step Productions


(Privately Held; 11-50 employees; Events Services industry)

March 1998 — June 2001 (3 years 4 months)

Production Coordinator, Advertising/Promotions, Technical Specialist
-Directed multimedia production projects at multiple clubs and venues.
-Designed flyers, business cards, and brochures for event promotion.
-Supervised recording and professional sound production.
-Participated as a performance artist in both audio and visual formats.


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